
Our push to make New Jersey one of the first four Presidential primary states is continuing to make headlines. I spoke to CBS News this week to share why New Jersey’s racial, economic and geographic diversity makes it the perfect proving ground for our candidates. You can read more here about the latest developments. 

Governor Murphy is continuing to lead on one of the most critical issues facing our nation: reducing gun violence. This week he renewed his call for a legislative package designed to keep guns out of the wrong hands and help police apprehend perpetrators of gun violence. Recognizing the progress that Governor Murphy has already made on the issue, the Brady Campaign released a report showing that the Governor’s executive order on gun purchasing by state and local governments has had a positive effect on public safety

We’re continuing to spotlight our 2022 Congressional candidates, and today’s highlight is Congressman Donald Payne, Jr.! Congressman Payne has spent his career fighting for working families by expanding access to affordable healthcare, creating quality union jobs and making neighborhoods safer. As a member of several powerful committees and subcommittees, Congressman Payne has been at the forefront of some of the most impactful legislation affecting New Jersey. You can learn more about his campaign here:

President Biden’s leadership is continuing to deliver results by improving our economy, with the unemployment rate now down to 3.6% — nearly half of what it was when the President took office. This Monday marked Tax Day, and the difference in approach between President Biden and congressional Republicans couldn’t be clearer:

  • President Biden’s plan would give tax relief to tens of millions of families, and he’d apply new minimum taxes on billionaires and large corporations to make sure they’re paying their fair share.
  • Billionaires should not pay a lower tax rate than firefighters and teachers. President Biden’s plan will ensure working families see much-needed tax relief, while big corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share.
  • President Biden’s plan wouldn’t raise taxes by a penny on anyone making less than $400,000.
  • The Republican plan, pushed by Rick Scott, could increase middle-class families’ taxes by an average of nearly $1,500 and take $100 billion out of the hands of middle-class families each year.
  • Not only that – but Rick Scott’s plan also calls for sunsetting federal legislation after five years, which could jeopardize Social Security and Medicare.

-- Chairman LeRoy J. Jones, Jr. 

P.S. Thank you to all who came out this Wednesday to our NJDSC Coalitions Mixer in Red Bank. We thank Speaker Coughlin for joining us as well. We are looking forward to the last mixer of our Spring Mixer Series in South Jersey next week! You can RSVP here if you’d like to join us:


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

