
Today is Earth Day, a day when many climate activists will bemoan the lack of progress in reducing carbon emissions and stopping climate change. 

Just last weekend, the Biden administration stated it would restart the sale of  oil and gas leases. But instead of unleashing American energy, it’s only offering a small number of leases — and with higher fees for oil producers — for the first time since the 1920s! 

We’ll see how this shakes out. Climate activists are enraged and the White House is shifting blame for its move to a court ruling. The court is "forcing our hand," said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. She doubled down that, "it’s not in line with the president’s policy, which is to ban additional leasing."

Since Day One, this administration’s policies have crippled American energy in pursuit of a reckless green energy goal. If the Russian invasion of Ukraine has taught us anything, it should be that we cannot rely on foreign oil for our energy needs.

I, ___, demand that the White House cease their war on U.S. energy and restore America’s innovative and environmentally-responsible energy sector. 

We have the ability to be energy independent. And it is vital to our national security to reduce our dependence on foreign nations, particularly those run by dictators such as Russia and Venezuela. 
This Earth Day, let’s celebrate the tremendous progress that the U.S. has made to clean up our environment and energy sources. American innovation has responded time and again to solve crises that our country has faced. This time is no different. 

Charlotte Whelan