Fifty years ago, twenty million Americans poured into the streets for the first Earth Day with a radical statement: we only have one planet and we can’t render it uninhabitable.

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John, happy Earth Day. But is today really something to celebrate?

Corporations want to make Earth Day all about blaming working people for the climate crisis. Fossil fuel companies seeded an anti-littering, individual responsibility environmentalist movement, and that’s bullshit. The truth is that the climate crisis was caused by their corporate greed, and 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of historical emissions, destroying our homes, towns, and our futures.

Fifty years ago, twenty million Americans poured into the streets for the first Earth Day with a radical statement: we only have one planet and we can’t render it uninhabitable. This year, young people are saying the same thing – through mass protest, disruption, fighting those in power to fight for our future.

The fight for our climate and futures is serious, John. Can you chip in $10 — or whatever you can afford at this time — to Sunrise today in honor of fighting for our earth?

GIF slideshow featuring photos of Sunrisers at 2021 rallies and protests

Chip in $10

This Earth Day is about communities vs. corporations. We demand corporations celebrate this Earth Day by starting to pay their fair share, by treating their workers with dignity and respect, and by cutting off fossil fuels and all institutions created to oppress working people.

We cannot allow a transition to a green economy to enrich the 1%. We cannot have climate justice when workers suffer and Elon Musk makes billions. Working people must reap the profits of our economy’s green boom.

That’s why we are fighting day in and day out for our vision of a Green New Deal. There is a future, and together we can fight for collective liberation and freedom from the corporations who are brainwashing and profiting off of us. Where fossil fuels are a thing of the past, and everyone has clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. Where our institutions seriously grapple with our racist roots and we achieve racial and economic justice. Where parents don’t have to choose between putting food on the table for their kids or paying medical bills. We can’t give up on the fight for our lives.

Right now we are living through scarcity, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. Many of us don't know if our futures are stable, but it doesn't have to be this way. 

We are planting the seeds for a future revolution, for a world filled with abundance and thriving communities. If you’re with us in this fight, John, chip in $10 or any amount to Sunrise today. The people have the power to change things.

In solidarity always,

All of us at Sunrise