Welcome to April 22nd, Earthlings...

Ways to Take Action This Earth Day

Volunteers clean trash in the park

First held on April 22, 1970, Earth Day has become an annual celebration marking the beginning of the modern environmental movement and encouraging ongoing action to protect the planet. ​This year, the theme is “Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?"

So—what will you do?

Learn about environmental issues? Support leaders who advocate for policies and partnerships that move us toward building a renewable future? Hold companies damaging the environment accountable? Clean your local river?

If you need more ideas, head to our Earth Day round-up. And be sure to share your ideas in the comments.

Do you want to #InvestInOurPlanet?

The Controversy of Carbon Footprints

In the fight against climate change, carbon footprints have been a way to measure an individual's environmental impact and pinpoint exactly which habits or activities they can change to lower their effect on the crisis. Carbon footprint calculators were created by several companies and organizations to make this concept more accessible. 

Recently, activists and researchers have been questioning the credibility of carbon footprint calculators and wondering why individuals are more concerned about their personal emissions instead of the 100 investors and fossil fuel companies responsible for 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

In 2004, BP started its carbon footprint campaign as part of the $200 million makeover done by PR firm Ogilvy & Mather. 

In an opinion article for the New York Times in 2006, one of the creators of BP’s campaign, John Kenney, admitted it was a marketing scheme and not a sincere effort to promote low-carbon lifestyles. 

Read the full story here, then join the conversation:

How do you feel about carbon footprints?

What's your Theme Song for Earth?

Earth has produced some great songs through its 4.5 billion years of existence.

But which one defines it?

When you think of your home planet, what musical melodies play in your mind? When Earth is introduced to the Galactic Federation of Planets, what song plays as it enters the room?

What song best represents our home planet?

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

There are so many inspirational memes and gifs and posters for Earth Day, so I decided to close, instead, with one I intensely dislike:

Love your planet,

—Josh Herman, Casey Dawson, & Jamie Epstein

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