Federal environmental policies have fallen short of the promised goals.
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April 22 marks the 52nd Earth Day. Who doesn’t want clear water, clean air, and to prevent the extinction of species?
But—Big Government, “command-and-control” measures and the socialization of resources are not the answers—as our authors have shown time and time again.
Our scholars and experts tackle different aspects about the environment in these books—but they unite around one very important truth. The complex and contradictory maze of environmental regulations implemented since April 22, 1970, have too often imposed significant costs, undermined innovation and market-based solutions, and in many cases either created or made environmental problems far worse.
Any one of these books will open your eyes—and your mind—to some stunning truths about the Earth, its resilience, and its resources.
Buy one, or all of them, for yourself, or as gifts for that young person you know who might be confused on these issues.
The way back to sanity about the environment begins with independent thinking. And that begins with Independent books.
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“Hot Talk, Cold Science is an excellent book on the politics and science of climate change.”
—Elliott D. Bloom, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory; Member of team with Jerome Friedman
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“Nature Unbound is a revealing and disturbing book. The authors examine the unintended consequences of five major environmental statutes passed by Congress since the 1960s.”
—John C. Brätland, Senior Economist, U.S. Department of the Interior
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“A completely different framework for thinking about ways in which both politics and theology have affected thinking about climate change is found in The New Holy Wars.”
—Publishers Weekly
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“A complete guide to environmental policy. Re-Thinking Green provides a history of erroneous environmental thinking, a devastating critique of current policies and a menu for improvement.”
—Paul H. Rubin, Professor of Economics and Law, Emory University
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