From Jo Woodman <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: Help Adivasis stop the coal rush – UPDATE
Date April 22, 2022 4:00 PM
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New mine approved
Dear Jack,
Did you see my email below? We've just heard that long-planned mines on the land of the Gond and other Adivasi tribes in India's Hasdeo Forest have received official approval, bringing them ever closer to destroying the communities' forests.

…But as we know from previous campaigns, nothing is certain until the bulldozers roll in. Please help Balsai's community stop this before it's too late.

Your support today funds Survival’s campaigns, critical investigations, and legal work. Please help us support Adivasi peoples and keep coal, the world’s dirtiest fuel source, in the ground.

Give what you can today ([link removed]) .

In solidarity,

Jo Woodman
Fwd: Help Adivasis stop the coal rush
New mine approved

“We have been shouting so loudly, but still they don’t hear us. It is painful that our sacred place – the heart of our culture and identity – has been mined and destroyed.”

Balsai Korram
Dear Jack,
Balsai, a Gond Adivasi man, has already seen part of his people’s ancestral land in India’s Hasdeo Forest destroyed by coal mining. Now he and his community are desperately resisting more planned mines that – if they go ahead – will raze their sacred forest and destroy their livelihoods.

Help us continue fighting this urgent crisis by setting up a monthly donation today — no gift is too small.
Become a monthly donor ([link removed])
Like thousands of other Adivasi (Indigenous) people in India, Balsai’s community is facing a coal rush carried out by big corporations and championed by India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, who plans to increase coal mine production to one billion tonnes a year. To access this coal, vast areas of tribal forests are being sold off without tribal consent. Adivasis are resisting this violent land theft, but they need your support.

Across central India, Adivasis have launched peaceful protests, legal challenges and blockades. For their resistance, they have been arrested, beaten and even murdered. But community members feel that they have no choice but to fight — their lives and livelihoods depend on it.

They’re risking their lives to keep the forests standing and the coal in the ground — and they need your help.
Donate today ([link removed])
With your donations we promise to continue campaigning for Adivasi land rights, investigating and confronting atrocities, supporting legal efforts, and bringing the world’s attention to the annihilation of tribal peoples.

Your support makes a huge difference. Will you stand with Adivasis and tribal peoples around the world?
Thank you,

Jo Woodman
Survival International
P.S. Unlike many NGOs, we reject government funding so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate ([link removed]) today. Without you, there can be no Survival.

Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126 | A 501(c)(3) organization tax I.D. 26-3208869
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444

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