For moral and spiritual perfection can only be pursued by finite men through a series of choices, in which every moment is a new beginning; and freedom which makes those choices possible is itself a condition without which the moral and spiritual ends would be meaningless. If this were not so, if such ends could be achieved without the continuing exercise of freedom, then moral and spiritual perfection could be taught by rote and enforced by discipline – and every man of good will would be a saint. Freedom is therefore an integral aspect of the highest end.
April 22, 2022 Ron DeSantis and the Charade of Free Speech in America
In his battle against Disney World, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has exposed the dark side of free speech in America. After Disney expressed opposition to a law in Florida popularly termed “Don’t Say Gay,” DeSantis went on the attack by securing the repeal of a special tax privilege that had been accorded Disney some 55 years ago. It’s still unclear what the cost ...
The Immorality and Crises of Border Controls
by Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling
Why is the U.S. government prohibiting Ukrainian refugees from coming to the United States? Join FFF president ...
No-Knock Raids Rip a Hole in the Fourth Amendment by John W. Whitehead
It’s the middle of the night. Your neighborhood is in darkness. Your household is asleep. Suddenly, you’re awakened by a loud noise...
Can Capitalism Survive? 80 Years After Schumpeter's Answer by Richard M. Ebeling
Eighty years ago, in the midst of the Second World War, Austrian-born economist Joseph A. Schumpeter published one of his most famous books, Capitalism, ...