In the 52 years since the first Earth Day, our planet has changed drastically. From rising temperatures to severe flooding, wildfires, and devastating, the science is undeniable: climate change is one of the biggest threats to our existence, and one of the most pressing issues we face today.
We can do the right thing for the next generation and our planet by aggressively reducing emissions, making our coastlines more resilient to weather events and rising sea levels, decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels by using affordable solar energy, wind turbines, and alternative sources of fuel.
Friends, the best way to celebrate Earth Day is to enact meaningful legislation to defeat the climate crisis.
Last year I introduced the National Green Bank Act which would help finance climate-change mitigation and adaptation projects across the country, I’ve consistently secured funding to promote storm resiliency, improve water quality, protect habitats, and just last month I was proud to secure funding for Long Island Sound conservation efforts.
But we can, and must do more, by leading the charge to address climate change -- It’s not too late to save the planet.
— Jim