
Quick, but serious question:

If you knew contributing just $25 would mean Mark Kelly would get re-elected in November, wouldn’t you donate it for sure?

What if you knew that for $25, we could keep Mitch McConnell from ever becoming Majority Leader again. Wouldn’t it be the best $25 you ever spent?

What if you knew that Mark Kelly is down by TWO POINTS in Arizona in a new poll?

We know that $25 probably doesn’t feel like it is enough money to move the needle, but in the last few minutes alone, close to a dozen people have contributed $25 to accomplish those goals.

Now, they’re hoping you’ll do the same. Because there’s only one way we overcome the enormous amount of outside spending targeting Mark… and that’s together.

So please, our April fundraising deadline ends soon. Today is a critical time to make any contribution you can to Mark Kelly’s campaign:

Can Mark Kelly count on you to split a $25 contribution between his re-election campaign and Seth Moulton before our April fundraising deadline comes to a close?


Thank you again. These donations add up. And it’s the only chance we have to win.

Team Kelly
