Thanksgiving at the White House, 1935.
(Franklin D. Roosevelt Library via Digital Library of Georgia)
For a New New Deal
For more than a decade the Living New Deal has been shining a light on the New Deal—government’s all-out response to the crisis of the Great Depression. By investing in jobs, infrastructure, technology, education, public health and the environment, the New Deal rebuilt the U.S. economy and laid the foundation for future prosperity. In the process, it restored hope and trust between Americans and their government.
The challenges facing our nation today—climate change, gaping income inequality, a crisis of leadership—have ignited renewed interest in the New Deal. This year alone, more than a million people visited our ever-expanding website to learn about the New Deal and its impact. Our publications, talks, tours and events fuel this growing spark.

The New Deal is proof that even our most daunting challenges can be met, and that the most ambitious proposals now before us are possible. Together we can renew the spirit of the New Deal.
Thank you for your generous support.

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The Living New Deal
Department of Geography
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720


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