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Just News

for April 22, 2022

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at

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2022 Just Economy Conference Featured Speaker: Anand Giridharadas
We’re thrilled to announce Anand Giridharadas will be a keynote speaker for the 2022 Just Economy Conference! Anand is a New York Times best-selling author and on-air political analyst for MSNBC. Don't miss this chance to see Anand! [Register now]

NCRC, Morgan Stanley Announce New Equitable Development Fellowship Program
NCRC’s Fellowship for Equitable Development cultivates the next generation of community development leaders and empowers them to tackle the issues of tomorrow. Both hosts and fellows must apply for this opportunity. Applications will be accepted until May 6, 2022. [Apply now]


Don’t Bet on Cryptocurrency Curing the Racial Wealth Divide
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Gerardo Sanchez Herrera Morro
Crypto is a fascinating technology that could bring much change to the world. But when it comes to making our country more equal, public policy is a much sounder investment. [Read more]


NCRC Supports Michael Barr Nomination to Federal Reserve Board
Michael Barr’s fluency with the law and his expertise in its enforcement make him a strong choice to serve as Vice Chair of Supervision at the Federal Reserve. [Read more]

Field Notes

NCRC Member Profile: Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City
By Kylie Navarro 
NCRC’s membership includes more than 600 community-focused organizations in 44 states. Here’s an introduction to one of them, Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City from their Homeowner Services Director, Kylie Navarro. [Read more]


DC Women’s Business Center: Women of Color in Cybersecurity Workshop
April 22, 1 - 5 pm ET
The goal of this Women of Color in Cybersecurity Workshop is to pique the interest of UDC’s female students as well as other women of color in the DC Metro Region in a career or starting a business in Cybersecurity. The participants will get a sense of what it is like to be part of the Cybersecurity industry, what opportunities exist, how to enter the industry, and ultimately to see themselves in these roles. [Register here]

The Go-Go City Live Film Screening and Concert
April 23, 3 - 6 pm ET

Please join NCRC’s Director of the Housing Counseling Network Ibijoke Akinbowale, who will be a panelist at the DC Public Library’s screening of the documentary film “Go-Go City: Displacement & Protest in Washington, DC.” Stay tuned afterwards for a live Go-Go performance by The Rocksteady Project. [Register here]

Quarterly Fair Housing Call
April 27, 3 - 4 pm ET
Please join us for NCRC’s quarterly Fair Housing call where we discuss national trends in fair housing, fair lending, and strategize how to address prevailing discriminatory housing practices across the country. This call is open to NCRC members only. [Register here]

In the News

Why This Credit Union Says AI Can Reduce Lending Bias
By Frank Gargano, American Banker
“A lot of times lenders are nervous about making changes to their models to improve their fairness because they're concerned that if they make a change to their model, it may be considered a reflection that they had an unfair model before,” when the actuality is that they’re simply enhancing its accuracy, said Brad Blower, general counsel for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Read more]

Biden to Nominate Michael Barr as Top Fed Banking Regulator
By Andrew Restuccia, Andrew Duehren, and Paul Kiernan, The Wall Street Journal
“Certainly the political winds have shifted,” said Jesse Van Tol, the president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, who supports Barr’s nomination. “There’s a sense that perhaps there was an overreach in terms of what was possible. I mean, after all, the political calculus is 50 votes in the Senate.” [Read more]

Washington Was an Icon of Black Political Power. Then Came Gentrification.
By Steven Overly, Delete Smith-Barrow, Katy O'Donnell and Ming Li, Politico
A 2019 study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that DC had the highest “intensity” of gentrification of any city in the United States between 2000 and 2013. A follow-up NCRC study found that DC then fell to 13th but the city didn’t have much space to climb in the rankings, said Jason Richardson, senior director of research at NCRC. [Read more]

On Our Radar

Want to ‘Annihilate the Racial Wealth Gap’? Make It Easier for Black Americans to Invest in Stocks, Says the Founder of a New ETF
By Debbie Carlson, Market Watch
A software developer by education, Buchanan teamed up with Black financial advisers and other wealthy Black investors, including Houston Texans player A.J. Cann, to create a financial-technology firm with an initial goal to get more Black Americans involved in stock-market investing. [Read more]

CFPB Releases Report on Financial Challenges Facing Rural Communities
By Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The report highlights that many of these communities lack access to physical bank branches, are more likely to seek credit from nonbanks, and are heavily affected by medical bills. The CFPB will be expanding its efforts to address these and other challenges facing the people and families of rural America. [Read more]

Black, Latino Communities Have a Higher Level of Oil Drilling and Pollution
By Darryl Fears, The Washington Post
“Living near oil and gas wells is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease, impaired lung function, anxiety, depression, preterm birth and impaired fetal growth,” the study said. “In several studies, risk was heightened among racially and socioeconomically marginalized people, and in several U.S. regions these same groups have disproportionately high exposure to wells and natural gas flaring.” [Read more]

Millions of Americans Are Resorting to Risky Ways to Buy an Affordable Home
By Jennifer Ludden, NPR
Land contracts and other kinds of alternative financing have been around a long time, with roots in the race-based redlining that blocked Black Americans from traditional mortgages. But legal aid experts say they became more common after the Great Recession, and as housing and rental costs have skyrocketed. [Read more]


A DC Hub for Nonprofits, Events and Work
For nonprofits and social sector ventures in DC: Do your work and meetings at the new Just Economy Club in DC. It’s hosted by NCRC in the historic Union Trust building at 15th and H Streets, just around the corner from The White House. [Read more]

New Learning & Training Hub
Our new learning management system is live! It is designed with you in mind, offering a more robust experience for every kind of learner. [Learn more]

Browse Our Collection of Research and Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]

Sign and Share the Just Economy Pledge
America should not only promise but deliver to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Sign the pledge and share it to help us expand the movement for a Just Economy. [Sign and Share]

Member Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]
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