The ACEH team, HUD TA, and 99 Plus 1 spent the day assisting individuals sign up for Emergency Housing Vouchers at the Sullivan Arena and the Aviator. The response was incredible and they exceeded their goal of 100 applications within the first day of the two day event.
"We did in 6 hours what we planned to do in 16." said Celia MacLeod, Director of Programs & Services. "We got 120+ applications, and with only 90 spots.
MacLeod says they will not need to go back tomorrow, but will wait and see how many applications are eligible this round.
A big THANK YOU to all involved, including Cook Inlet Tribal Council, South Central Foundation, the Anchorage Health Department, and the HUD TA team, who were all instrumental in the success of this event. Also a huge shout out to 99 Plus 1 for all they did to make the fair run smoothly at the Sullivan.