We’ve got some exciting news! Morgan’s latest ad is up and running in Louisville, and it’s about education – one of the most important issues facing Kentuckians today.
Morgan believes that every child is entitled to a high-quality public education – and he knows that begins with investing in and listening to teachers. Will you watch his newest ad, then chip in to help ensure Morgan, a product of Louisville’s public schools, is elected to Congress?

Strong public education systems are vital to the future of Kentucky. We need to ensure that every child is afforded a high-quality education.
Studies have shown that when a Black student has even one Black teacher growing up, they’re more likely to graduate high school and go on to college. Community leaders told Morgan that Kentucky law needed to change in order for both of Kentucky’s HBCUs to train teachers. He wrote the bill and got it done.
Just like Rev. Dr. Frank Smith says in the ad: one teacher can make a lifelong impact on our students. That’s why Morgan fought to pass Senate Bill 270, a law that works with Kentucky’s HBCUs to train more Black teachers for Louisville’s classrooms.
Here’s the thing: Strengthening our public school districts across the Commonwealth won’t be a quick, easy fix. It’ll require determination, hard work, and effective leadership. That’s why Morgan is the best candidate to fulfill Kentucky’s promise to our students.
But Morgan won’t be able to advocate for strong public schools in Congress without you. Will you watch our latest ad, then rush $25 or anything you can to ensure Louisville is represented by a dedicated fighter for public education – and our HBCUs – in Washington?
Thank you,
Team McGarvey