Episode 107 Uploaded April 17: Sunsara Taylor interviews high school and college student activists from around the country who
helped organize #RiseUp4AbortionRights protests on April 9 about
what fuels their determination to stand up for the right to abortion
and how in fact, it’s not too late to turn the tide.
Find out more about the National Week of Action May 18 – 15

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Anna: I feel like we're gonna see a lot of women dying.
Willians: It's easier to defend Roe v Wade than it is to gain a right from scratch.
Mari: History and modern times in other countries shows just how powerful being out in the streets can be.
Laura: This is more than just a protest. It's changed.
Anna: It's now or never.
Mari: My name is Mari. I'm 18. I just graduated high school last year, so I'm still pretty fresh out. The reason I joined the cause, as human beings, we all have our own choices to make. Something as detrimental as having a baby like that really changes course for you if you're female. I feel like nobody should be able to take that choice away from us, especially the government who always sees us as our Social Security Number and doesn't know any of us by name. So yeah, for me, it was kind of a no brainer after learning what was going on. I feel like it's just something that we need to stand up for right now.
Laura: At some point, it's like: When are you gonna stop following the system that clearly is creating all these issues, and actually be what a college student should be in breaking bounds and breaking the system that we were put into? I have had very positive experience with people who have come out and joined and just got into it. We did a performance piece with Patricia, and my people, my dorm mates, I got them to sign up and do it. It was beautiful, it was beautiful for everyone involved. It was like women being empowered. I feel like as college women, we sometimes don't feel like that. We still feel like this other gender, this other sex.

National Week of Action to RISE UP 4 ABORTION RIGHTS May 8-14
Unleash our creativity, rage and power to wake people up in town squares, on campuses, in workplaces, and all across society to the emergency facing women. Galvanize growing
numbers of people to wear #Green4Abortion and join growing nonviolent resistance to STOP the Supreme Court from taking away women’s fundamental right to abortion.
>> Sign up with RiseUP4AbortionRights
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