Friend, we have exciting news to share!

Today, EMILY's List, the nation’s largest resource for Democratic pro-choice women in politics, endorsed Kirsten Engel for Congress!

With the latest attacks on abortion access in Arizona by Gov. Doug Ducey and state Republicans, Arizonans are even more at risk of losing their constitutional right to abortion. It is critical that we elect another pro-choice candidate to succeed pro-choice champion Ann Kirkpatrick.

That candidate is Kirsten Engel.

As a legislator in the Arizona House and Senate, Kirsten has already fought to protect the right to abortion care—along with expanding education funding, promoting affordable community college, and leading the charge to stop climate change.

We are thrilled to have the support of EMILY's List in our fight to defend reproductive rights. Will you help us build on this momentum by chipping in today?

Thank you for all that you do,

Team Engel






Paid for by Engel for Arizona



Engel for Arizona
PO Box 40721
Tucson, AZ 85717
United States