Cease Fire PA Action



It’s hard to get anything done in Washington. It’s something every single American knows. Yet President Biden was able to take more substantive action last week with ghost guns than Harrisburg lawmakers have taken in years. We have ghost lawmakers in the Capitol, haunting our lives with their deliberate inaction. We need them to pass our Common Agenda to End Gun Violence.

Ghost gun legislation is an idea everyone could get behind, and President Biden figured out a way to take meaningful action while respecting the Second Amendment. No gun needs to be created without a serial number, other than a gun someone plans to use to hurt people.

Over 23 of the last 27 years, a single political party has had sole control over what bills make it to the floor for a vote here in Pennsylvania¹. That means inaction on gun violence, and it means legislators not even having to state to the public what their position is, before each election. There is no public debate about these policies²--just a calculated refusal to act. Gun violence is killing our kids, at a higher rate than any other cause of death, and they get to hide from this problem³.

Add your name right now as a supporter of the Common Agenda. These are three bills that will drastically lower gun violence, if these ghost lawmakers can hear our voices loudly enough. We want to get another 237 names before the end of the month.

We’ll be heading to Harrisburg next week with bus after bus of Pennsylvania advocates. Add your name and make sure our movement is as powerful as possible before we enter these legislative meetings.

I'll have more to share with you soon. Thanks for standing with us.

- Adam


¹ https://ballotpedia.org/Pennsylvania_General_Assembly

² https://giffords.org/press-release/2022/04/majority-of-pennsylvania-voters-support-stronger-gun-laws/

³ https://everytownresearch.org/graph/firearms-are-the-leading-cause-of-death-for-american-children-and-teens/




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215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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