We’ve always known he was a monster, now we have leaked emails to prove it.


We hate to be the bearer of bad news but we need you to take action NOW! Here’s what's going down:

Ever since he was appointed as Senior Adviser to Trump, Stephen Miller has worked tirelessly to hurt our communities and push his white supremacist agenda. Miller’s inhumane racist ideologies have helped Trump in his most extreme anti-immigrant policies, including family separation, the Muslim ban and indefinite caging for all people including children in detention camps.

These policies are sickening and have caused intense trauma for our people and the generations to come. But unfortunately, that’s not all.

According to leaked emails reviewed by The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch, Miller was caught sharing white nationalist stories and perpetuating the criminalization of our people.

Can you believe it, Friend?! We can clearly see that Miller has no shame in his white supremacist views. He’s proud of them! And what just happened was the icing on the cake to his racist behavior and it must be stopped NOW! 🚫

Get Him Out

Miller’s continued presence in the White House will only threaten and further terrorize our communities. Join us, Daily Kos, and many more, to put an end to Miller’s reign of terror and shameless racist actions.

Sign the petition to demand Stephen Miller’s immediate removal from office.  

Add Your Name

Let’s put an end to this together,

Nestor and the rest of the team at UWD Action

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