Tell Congress to Reform the 1872 Mining Law!

Reform the 1872 Mining Law

Dear John,

The 1872 Mining Law has never been meaningfully reformed and is dangerously outdated, causing harm to Indigenous and other mining-affected communities and our public lands. Representative Grijalva from Arizona and Senator Heinrich from New Mexico are set to introduce the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2022 later this month. This bill would:

  • Protect water and wildlife habitat through mine cleanup standards;
  • Provide a fair return to taxpayers with a royalty on new mining  operations;  
  • Prevent irresponsible mining by allowing land managers to balance mining with other uses for public lands; and
  • Create an Abandoned Mine Land Fund to address the long-standing hazards of  abandoned mines. 

Take action and sign the letter telling your Representative and Senators to sponsor the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2022!

Thank you for all your work to reform the 1872 Mining Law and stand up for mining-affected communities. We couldn’t do this without you.

In Solidarity,

Lauren Pagel,
Policy Director, Earthworks

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