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Dear John,

You’ve seen it in the news—global climate change and energy independence are more important than ever. These can feel like overwhelming problems, but there is a lot we can do to drive solutions here in Minnesota and the Midwest.

The best way to make progress at the scale of the climate crisis is through policy change, and that’s Fresh Energy’s specialty. 

Thanks to support from people like you, Fresh Energy is celebrating 30 years of transforming our Midwest economy with more clean energy jobs, healthier air, and modern, zero-carbon housing and transportation options. But the future hangs in the balance.

Our economy must be fully carbon-neutral by mid-century to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Fresh Energy’s team of scientists, economists, and attorneys is laser focused on achieving that goal, and ensuring that the transformation of our society increases equity so all can prosper.

John, this Earth Day, will you join us with a gift to Fresh Energy to ensure that together, we can continue to make clean energy and climate history as we chart the path to an equitable carbon-neutral economy?

Donate now and your gift will be matched!
Fresh Energy’s nationally recognized programs have generated game-changing results over the past 30 years, but at this moment we can and must put our work into overdrive. 
"Policy advocacy is the most effective way to make a difference in the climate fight."
- Giving Green, a national evidence-based guide for donors

In 2022, we’re driving policy changes that will ensure: 

  • Better Buildings: Our team is advocating for updates to the building code to ensure that all new buildings are “net zero” by 2036. 
  • Climate-Friendly Energy: Our regulatory experts are working utility-by-utility to end all fossil fuel-based electricity generation to ensure reliability and keep utility bills low.
  • Clean Transportation: We are doubling down on electrifying our transit and school buses, setting the stage for a shift to electric trucking, and making electric cars affordable for more Minnesotans.

We know how to tackle the problem, but we can’t do this work without your support. Join us with a donation to Fresh Energy and together we will keep making clean energy and climate history in Minnesota.

Thank you for your support, 

Michael Noble 
Executive Director
P.S. Thanks to a generous donor, all gifts will be matched! AND, if you donate $30 or more, we’ll help you put your “best foot forward” with a new pair of wool socks! Donate now.

P.P.S. In honor of Fresh Energy’s 30th Anniversary, I sat down with J. Drake Hamilton and Jim Ladner for a conversation about some pivotal moments in each decade of Fresh Energy’s history. Listen to our conversation on Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast!


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