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The first wave of discounted tickets are going fast! These early bird discounted tickets are almost gone, after which prices will increase. 

Register now and join us from June 13-14 for two jam-packed days of keynotes and networking. 

The Just Economy Conference is the national event for community, policy, government, business and foundation leaders working toward a just economy that not only promises but delivers to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Participants typically include a mix of cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, top-tier policy makers, racial and social justices leaders and field experts.

NCRC members will also have the opportunity to participate in our virtual Advocacy Week from June 6-10. Not a member? Apply for NCRC membership to participate and enjoy discounted conference tickets. 
Register now
Don’t hesitate to take advantage of the discounted tickets today! 

We can’t wait to see you,
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Sign-up for NCRC's tailored newsletters. Some topics include Health & Wealth, Race & Wealth, LGTBQ+ Economic Equity and Just News. 
Hear from NCRC's policy team about the talking points for our upcoming 2022 Advocacy Week. Join us on May 18, 2022 at 1:30pm ET. 
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