Dear friend,
Today, FAMM released a new report describing the need for second chances for people serving extreme sentences in Illinois. We'll be sharing this report with Illinois state lawmakers to give them a roadmap for reform. You can check it out here:
Our report includes recommendations for reform, such as creating a "Second Look" mechanism to allow people who have served 15 years or more to demonstrate rehabilitation and earn release, repealing mandatory sentences, making sentencing reforms retroactive, and expanding clemency. These are smart solutions for every state, not just Illinois.
The report comes at a time when public attention is directed at the rise in serious crime. More than ever, we must target anti-crime funding on programs and personnel to prevent crime, rather than wasting it to incarcerate people who have been rehabilitated.
Thank you for your support — it enables us to educate lawmakers so they can make our sentencing laws better for everyone.

Molly Gill
Vice President of Policy, FAMM