Soaring property values and real estate taxes are posing a challenge for many North Carolinians. There is help! North Carolina offers property tax relief to low-income elderly, disabled, and disabled veterans. Qualifying owners may receive an exclusion of either $25,000 or 50% the taxable value of their residence (whichever is greater).
Applicants need to mee t these requirements:
1. The applicant's name must be on the deed or title to the residence.
2. The residence must be the applicant's primary residence.
3. The applicant must be a North Carolina resident.
4. The applicant must be at least 65 years of age or totally and permanently disabled. Total and permanent disability is a disability that substantially hinders a person from obtaining gainful employment.
5. If claiming disability, the applicant must provide proof of the disability in the form of a certificate from a physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina or governmental agency authorized to determine qualification for disability benefits.
6. Meet the combined spousal income eligibility limit*, whether or not both spouses are on the title.
*Annual Income Eligibility Limit is set every year by the NC Department of Revenue. The limit for 2022 is $31,900 for income received from all sources during the prior calendar year. This limit establishes the ceiling for the Low-Income Homestead Exclusion (option 1 above). It further establishes the ceiling for the Circuit Breaker deferral of taxes where inco me cannot exceed 150% ($47,250 for 2022 tax year) of this limit. Find more info here.
The filing period for the Property Tax Relief Program for Mecklenburg County is between January 1st and June 1st of each year. After the June 1st deadline, late applications are accepted and must be approved by the Board of Equalization and Review. Call 980-314-4226 for further assistance.
The Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy assists low-income elderly, disabled, and/or disabled veterans prepare their property tax relief applications. Learn more about eligibility requirements and how they can help. Virtual appointments are available now through May 6, 2022. For assistance call 980-256-7952 or 704-376-1600 ext. 545.
There is still much to do to strengthen our neighborhoods while planning for sustainable growth. I very much want to continue the work I have started as your At-Large City Councilwoman. I humbly ask for your vote in the upcoming primary election.
Early voting begins April 28 and ends May 14. Click here for info on locations and times. Click here to invest $22 for our 2022 campaign. Thank you!