I don't think anyone should be able to buy an election.

Yesterday, Michael Bloomberg announced that he’s already committed $30 million on television ads across more than two dozen states. In fact, I want to share what The New York Times wrote about this:

“The scope of Mr. Bloomberg’s ad buy is staggering. It costs more than some smaller campaigns have spent all year on advertising, and more than what Senator Cory Booker had raised in donations from February through the end of September.”

Please, consider donating right now so our campaign will be able to compete against the unlimited money coming into this race.

I want to be honest about something: We are never going to be able to match dollar-for-dollar the spending of someone like Michael Bloomberg.

Truthfully, we won’t be able to spend tens of millions on TV ads anytime soon. But, what we can do is make smart and strategic decisions with the resources that we have. When you’re an underdog, sometimes that’s just the way it has to be.

We set an end-of-month goal of $1.5 million because that’s what we believe we need to make the important investments we need to win. If you’re with me, chip in $5 now so we can keep growing this underdog campaign.

I don't think anyone should be able to buy an election. Every race I’ve won was through hard work and meeting people where they are -- one block, one neighborhood, one community at a time.

I am so, so humbled that thousands of Americans have decided to donate to this campaign. We’re united in our belief that the only way to heal our country after Donald Trump is to bring people together to deliver real justice and opportunity for all. Friends, I mean it when I say that there’s no other team I’d rather have by my side on this journey.

I’m proud to be an underdog in this fight. Now, let’s power this grassroots campaign to victory. I hope you’ll join me.



Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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