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Thursday, April 21st, 2022

America in the 2020s: Its Most Dangerous Decade

Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Former Intelligence Officials, Citing Russia, Say Big Tech Monopoly Power is Vital to National Security

Glenn Greenwald

Using War to Assault Freedom

Andrew P. Napolitano

Expect Washington To Throw a Fit over China’s New Deal with the Solomon Islands

Ryan McMaken

China, Galileo, and the Heavens

Bionic Mosquito

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Presents Case For Why Children Must Not Be Vaccinated With ANY of the Covid Vaccines

Dr. Paul Alexander

An Open Letter to Christi Grimm, Inspector General of the HHS

Steve Kirsch

Brief Thoughts About Thinking


To Zoom or Not To Zoom? Which Is More Productive?

Walter E. Block

Deadly: Covid Vaccine Smoking Gun; AstraZeneca CEO Reveals the Secret

Jon Rappoport

Watch the New York Times Embarrass Itself

Tom Woods

The Vaccine Injury Compensation System for Covid Has Failed

Robert W Malone MD, MS

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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