From Rogan O’Handley <[email protected]>
Subject I was banned from Twitter. Now I’m suing.
Date April 20, 2022 11:00 PM
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Fellow American,


If free speech still exists in America today . . .


Tell me why America’s top doctors and scientists are being banned for raising
questions about the government’s COVID-19 narrative.


Tell me why dozens of conservative activists have been BANNED from Twitter for
disagreeing with the Left’s absurd gender identity propaganda…


Tell me why anyone who wants to share conservative ideas or question the
mainstream narrative,INCLUDING ME is censored?


Twitter – along with other Big Tech corporations like Facebook and Google –
are executing the Left’s1984-style plot to control your thoughts and
effectively put an end to free speech.


And the only way to stop it is for you, me, and every conservative patriot
across America to stand up and say. . .




That’s why I’m suing Twitter with help from the Center for American Liberty.
If you care about protecting your constitutional right to free speech, I
urgently need your help.
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In case we haven’t met, my name is Rogan O’Handley.


A few years ago, I made a life-changing decision:


I left a lucrative job in Hollywood to stand up for what I believe in and do
everything I can to defend the values that made America the greatest nation on


I chose my country over a paycheck.


But ever since then, the Leftists in Big Tech and Big Government have done
nothing but try to silence and censor me.


...And they got their wish. 


I was banned from Twitter after California state government officials
requested that I be censored.


All because I questioned the results of the 2020 Presidential Election and
called for an audit.


And frankly... How could any reasonable person not have questions?


For weeks leading up to the election, the Left spared no expense working to
change the rules in their favor.


They allowed ballot harvesting.


They sent millions of ballots to people who had passed away or moved out of


They counted hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots DAYS after the polls had


Then, Joe Biden was declared the winner and folks like you and me were told to
sit down, shut up, and accept the results.


Since it was such a “close” election, why were conservatives not allowed to
demand an audit or a recount without being censored?


I had serious questions... So I spoke up... Loudly and frequently on and off


As you can probably imagine, the Left didn’t like what I had to say.  


I dared to challenge their narrative, so I was silenced.


But that’s not even the worst part.


When I tried to figure out why I was censored, I found that bureaucrats
working for then-California Secretary of State, Alex Padilla, had explicitly
instructed officials at Twitter to silence me.


Here’s exactly what they said:

From: California Secretary of State Communications Department

To: Twitter

Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 at 12:31 PM


Hi, We wanted to flag this Twitter post:

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From user @DC_Draino. In this post user claims California of being a culprit
of voter fraud, and ignores the fact that we do audit votes. This is a blatant
disregard to how our voting process works and creates disinformation and
distrust among the general public.

In other words, the government of California used taxpayer money to restrict
my First Amendment rights.


Now I hope you understand why I need your help to defend free speech.


Our rights are under assault by left-wing politicians like Alex Padilla and
the most powerful tech companies in the world.


When I decided that I was going to take them on to protect our right to free
speech, I knew it would take significant legal expenses and potentially years
of going in and out of the courtroom.


But it’s worse than I ever could have imagined...


These jack-booted thugs are tireless and desperate... So they’re not afraid to
overwhelm me with legal expenses so I’ll be unable to challenge them....


...And without your support, they’ll get their way just like they did last
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Again, I wanted to know why I’d been banned out of the blue- so I kept asking


Then I realized. . . with Kamala Harris set to become the Vice President, she
obviously had to give up her seat in the Senate.


And power-hungry Secretary of State Alex Padilla was willing to do anything to
fill her spot.


Padilla and his staff knew that what I was saying online would significantly
hurt his chance of being appointed to the U.S. Senate. 

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That’s when it became clear as day that we had caught Alex Padilla in a plot
to collude with Twitter and secure his spot as Kamala Harris’s replacement in
the U.S. Senate.


Like I mentioned before, I made a choice to put my country over a paycheck.


So, when Twitter BANNED me for exercising my free speech, I didn’t have the
money or resources to fight back.


That’s when I reached out to Harmeet Dhillon at the Center for American


You may have seen Harmeet on Fox News before.


I’m not exaggerating when I say that Harmeet is one of America’s best
constitutional lawyers…


. . .and one of the only people who has the guts to stand up to the
billionaire Big Tech CEO’s and Leftist politicians who are silencing and
censoring conservatives like you and me. 


When Harmeet and her team at the Center for American Liberty heard that I was
kicked off Twitter for exercising my right to free speech, they immediately
stepped in and filed a lawsuit against Twitter and all those involved in the


There is just one small problem.


As a non-profit organization, the Center for American Liberty relies entirely
on the generosity of freedom-loving patriots across the country to defend the
Constitution and the values you and I hold dear.


I hear that you’re one of those freedom-loving patriots, which is why I have
to ask. . .


Will you please make a tax-deductible contribution of $35, $50, $75 or more to
the Center for American Liberty to help them sue Twitter, Sen. Alex Padilla,
and a handful of other California elected officials for illegally colluding to
eliminate the First Amendment?
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This is the stuff of Soviet-era Russia, Communist China, and North Korea.


Never before in our country’s history have high ranking politicians been able
to get away with openly censoring “free” Americans for their personal and
political gain. 
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Trying to “stop the spread of misinformation” on the 2020 election was just
the first part of their plan.


Once they kicked folks like me and President Donald Trump off Twitter for
questioning the election, they used those same tactics to spread their bogus
COVID propaganda.


You have a chance to make history today, friend.


The First Amendment is under the threat of complete extinction in America.


By sending the Center for American Liberty a tax-deductible gift of $35, $50,
$75 or more, you can help take on Twitter and stop them from banning more
conservative voices.
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I hope that I can count on your help right away.




Rogan O’Handley



P.S. As I’m writing you this letter, the Center for American Liberty is
already deeply entrenched in the legal battle against Twitter and Sen. Alex


Last summer, they filed the lawsuit – but it was recently wrongly dismissed by
the district court.


Harmeet and her team at the Center for American Liberty NEVER give up a fight.


Now, they’re taking this legal battle to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.


Your contribution is critical to helping the Center for American Liberty win
this important lawsuit, deliver justice to those who colluded to silence
conservatives like me, and prevent these Leftist elites from destroying the
First Amendment.


Please, join our fight to defend free speech and send a generous
tax-deductible gift of $35 or more to the Center for American Liberty today.
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Thank you in advance for your support.
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Please consider supporting our efforts to defend our Constitution with a
donation today.
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The Center For American Liberty is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created
to fight against growing anti-free-speech and anti-civil liberties trends.

© The Center for American Liberty |
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PO Box 2510, Leesburg, VA 20177


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