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CNBC reports that Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has launched a new Republican
attempt to cut Social Security and Medicare -- this time shrouded in
secrecy, using a closed-door process to hide what they're doing from the
public. Shamefully, some Democrats are giving Republicans political cover
by participating.
The PCCC has been a leader since 2012 in the fight to expand Social
Security and Medicare benefits, not cut them. Over the years, more than
730,000 PCCC members have taken action on this issue -- signing petitions,
calling members of Congress, putting candidates on the spot, and much
[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition: Members of Congress -- especially Democrats --
should reject Republican Mitt Romney's plan to cut Social Security and
Medicare behind closed doors.
Politicians don’t shut the door when they’re trying to do something
popular. Republicans know the public does not support cutting Social
This latest scheme is a rehashed version of the overwhelmingly unpopular
"Romney-Ryan" plan Romney put forward in 2012 before losing the
presidential election to Barack Obama.
This is not happening in a vacuum. Newsweek reported just weeks ago that
"After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675
billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell said that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit
would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social
Vox reports that "Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security,
and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3." Vox adds that Social Security
cuts have "been in every single one of Trump’s budget proposals to
Congress since the president came to office."
This also is not happening because there's no alternative. Democrats have
proposed plans to protect and expand Social Security that would extend the
lifespan of the trust fund beyond the year 2100 -- paid for by having big
corporations and the rich pay their fair share. One such plan called the
"Social Security 2100 Act" has 208 cosponsors.
It is especially shameful that several Democrats are aiding and abetting
Republicans because expanding Social Security good policy and good
politics. Research done by our sister organization the Progressive Change
Institute showed that in 2018, 65% of Democrats elected to the House for
the first time called for some version of expanding Social Security or
Medicare For All.
[ [link removed] ]Tell Congress -- especially Democrats -- to reject Mitt Romney's new
Republican push to cut Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.
Any debate over the future of Social Security must be done in the light of
day where the American people can see it, and the American people’s voices
can be heard. Sign the petition here.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team
P.S. Read PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor's op-ed on how expanding Social
Security went from ‘economic fantasy’ to mainstream talking point in 3
short years. [ [link removed] ]Check it out here!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here: [link removed]
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
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