Hear from industry leaders Philz, La Coop Coffee, Treeline Coffee Roasters, and Montana State University!
Dear John -
You're invited to Coffee and Climate Change: Voices from Industry Leaders and Experts ([link removed]) , organized by volunteers in the CCL-DC chapter! On Tuesday, May 3rd at 7pm ET (Zoom; Eventbrite here ([link removed]) ), CCL will join an awesome line-up of industry leaders and experts from across the country to discuss how climate change is affecting coffee, how coffee industry stakeholders are responding, and what we can all do to save our morning cup of Joe! CCL volunteers will discuss our Coffee Industry Climate Declaration ([link removed]) and hear how the coffee industry is adapting to climate change from:
· Juan Luis Salazar Cano, CEO and Founder of La Coop Coffee, who will share on-the-ground experience of coffee farmers in Guatemala
· Andi Trindle Mersch, Vice President of Coffee and Sustainability at Philz Coffee, who will describe how Philz is reducing their carbon footprint – and what other coffee shops can do too. [Declaration signatory].
· Natalie Van Dusen, Co-Founder of Treeline Coffee Roasters, who will speak to how climate change is affecting small, local coffee shops
· Dr. Selena Ahmed, ethnobotantist at Montana State University, who will share findings about the impact of climate change on coffee
Please join us, and spread the word! Let your local coffee shop know, and invite your friends, family, and the climate-minded to figure out how we can all keep coffee in business.
What can you do? Three things!
1) RSVP ([link removed])
2) Retweet the Event Announcement ([link removed])
3) Invite your local coffee roasters ([link removed])
** CCL Meetup at Earth Day Rally
Saturday, April 23, 12:45PM
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On Saturday April 23, thousands of climate activists will go to the White House to call for climate action and push for solutions in the budget reconciliation bill. Join CCLers as we march for a clean future and a livable planet.
We will meet at St John's Episcopal Church (the big yellow church) across from Lafayette Square. Nearest metro is McPherson (blue/orange/silver).
RSVP to March with CCL ([link removed])
** CCL June Conference
June 11-13
REGISTRATION IS OPEN ([link removed])
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** Join the finest climate advocates in the world
We can’t wait to see you! Catch up with old friends and make new ones, learn new skills, hear from expert speakers in person. There’s no better way to recharge yourself and spark your climate advocacy.
Keep Congress focused on a healthy climate
Together, we’ve pushed climate change to the top of the priorities in Washington, DC. And, we’ll keep showing up until Congress passes strong climate policies like a price on carbon and we see declining emissions in America. This year’s conference coincides with an international week of action, including virtual lobby meetings across the world.
Featuring Remarks from:
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
Mark Reynolds
Nwandi Lawson, Chief Cultivation Officer, The Virtues Collective
Amanda Ripley, Author of High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, Host of podcast How To!, Journalist
Wandra Ashley-Williams, Maryland Regional Director, Climate Xchange
Clarence Edwards, Legislative Director, Sustainable Energy and Environment, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Alex Bozmoski, VP of Programs, DEPLOY/US
Alex Flint, Executive Director, Alliance for Market Solutions
Nicole Hammond, CCL State Coordinator for Louisiana
Register for June Conference ([link removed])
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* Join our Monthly Calling Campaign to call your Representative once a month: [link removed] ([link removed])
* Send a Tweet to our member of Congress: [link removed]
* Join CCL's weekly introductory call: [link removed]
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