April 15, 2022
J. Scott Turner
Vannevar Bush’s vision, while successful in many ways, has made science too focused on productivity. We must restore the ethic of discovery to scientific research.
April 20, 2022
Keith Whitaker
Saint Vincent College’s recent conference on “Panic, Policy, and Politics” offered a defense of the American way of life. The administration’s censorious response shows that the university has abandoned the pursuit of truth.
March 30, 2022
Civics Alliance
If passed, the Civics Secures Democracy Act will enable the federal government to impose both Critical Race Theory and “Action Civics” upon America’s schools.
March 21, 2022
John D. Sailer
Proposed DEI competencies in the California Community Colleges system call for the abandonment of academic integrity and the elimination of academic freedom.
The Biden Administration is scheduling public comment sessions for a possible revision of the 2020 Devos Title IX reform rule. This is your opportunity to speak up for due process!
The very concept of misinformation is anathema to any scientific approach to serious health issues like the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Yale Law School disruption shows that the campus world is still imperiled by students who have forgotten that respect for free exchange is a basic precondition of higher learning.
We urge everyone in California, and especially everyone affiliated with the University of California system, to express their opposition to the new Ethnic Studies requirement.
CAMERA’s annual gala will honor six individuals who have served as “Portraits in Courage," including longtime NAS board member Sandra Stotsky. The gala will take place on May 15th, and tickets can be purchased online here.
Tune in as NAS Policy Director Teresa R. Manning discusses the progressive takeover of college campuses on "CURE America with Star Parker."
Listen in as we discuss the factors that brought about the fall of the Soviet Union and explore how the collapse altered the international order.
Watch the recording of our webinar discussing what makes Jack London's The Call of the Wild a great American novel.
Listen in as our panel of experts examines the likelihood that UAPs are of an extraterrestrial origin and the implications that this possibility holds for science and security.
The "Great Society" programs of the Johnson Administration offered Americans many promises of a great and better future. Nearly 50 years later, our panelists discuss the effects of these policies.
Watch as we discuss the development of the American frontier with Richard Etulain, Patty Limerick, and Brad Birzer.
Roland Alum
“¿Desafía el Protestantismo al Marxismo en Iberoamérica? [Does Protestantism challenge Marxism in Iberoamerica?]” in Ensayistas y Periodistas, ed. Luis de la Paz.
Miami, FL: PEN International. November 2021.
Daniel Asia
Robert Maranto
Ray M. Sanchez
Kenin M. Spivak
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