Dear John,
Nearly two-thirds of Ukraine’s children – five million, so far – have been displaced by the war and, sadly, there’s no end in sight. Some of these children are with their mothers, others are with grandparents or family friends, and some are all alone as they flee the war zones their homes and communities have become.
Too many of Ukraine’s refugees – women and children in particular – may be fleeing one kind of danger only to face another. That’s because displaced people are at grave risk for being trafficked or subjected to other forms of gender-based violence. Women and children make up the majority of those fleeing conflict and crisis, yet they are often forgotten when it comes to foreign assistance. That's why I’m asking for your help today.
Will you sign our petition asking our government to ensure that U.S. humanitarian funding and assistance prioritize the safety of women and children, and do everything possible to prevent and mitigate gender-based violence?

We’re asking Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. AID (Agency for International Development) Administrator Samantha Power to dedicate the necessary resources to meet the unique needs of women and children facing gender-based violence. We’re calling on our government to provide financial support to women’s rights organizations and women human rights defenders who are providing frontline support to refugees and internally displaced people.
When you sign our petition, you won’t just be helping the women and children of Ukraine. Together we’ll also be helping those at risk in Afghanistan, Tigray, Venezuela, and other countries around the world, as well as right here at home.
Please sign our petition now!
Thank you for adding your name to our petition!
In Solidarity,
Esta Soler
Founder & President