
Russell Fry for Congress Harriet Hageman for Wyoming


The threat posed by Liz Cheney and Tom Rice to our Country is too great for us to wage this fight alone.

That’s why our campaigns to defeat these pro-impeachment RINOs are coming together to show the Country Republicans are united in expelling these fringe radicals from Congress and our party.

Together Rice and Cheney are sitting on a combined warchest of $6 million and have unlimited access to a network of D.C. donors to use against pro-Trump Conservatives like us.

We’re counting on the support of pro-Trump grassroots Conservatives like you to defeat Cheney and Rice. Your contribution right now will go toward removing not one but two dangerous RINOs from Congress.

Defeat Tom Rice and Liz Cheney

These RINO politicians need to be shown there are consequences for turning their backs on their voters and the Constitution just to please the Leftist mob and the punditry class in D.C.

John, while Cheney and Rice continue to play nice with the political elites, holding $10,000 per person cocktail fundraisers, we’re on the ground fighting to restore pro-Trump leadership for the voters they’ve neglected.

We hope you’ll join us in what will be two of the most expensive Congressional races in the Country by pitching in whatever you can donate today.

John, we know this will make us an instant target of the Leftist mob and every ultra-liberal media outlet. They’re already racing to give Rice and Cheney millions in free advertising and positive coverage.

That’s why we’re making an unprecedented show of unity and determination by coming to you today. The future of President Trump’s America First vision and the future of our country is at stake in this election.

We know in times like these Americans are hurting and making a contribution isn’t easy. That’s why we’ll be extremely grateful if you can donate just $10, $5 or even less for the future of our Country.

John, we have the winning message, determination, and unity needed to take back these seats for pro-Trump Conservatives. All we need is your support.

Thank you,
Russell Fry for Congress
Russell Fry
America First Conservative for Congress (SC)
Harriet Hageman for Congress
Harriet Hageman
America First Conservative for Congress (WY)

Defeat Tom Rice and Liz Cheney

Hageman for Wyoming 
P.O. Box 4157, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003
