Dear John,

When you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this week, add one more thing to pause to give thanks for — the Brady Bill and Brady Background Checks! 

The Brady Bill was signed into law on November 30, 1993. The landmark law established our nation's background check system on gun sales. It was named for White House Press Secretary Jim Brady, who was shot during the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan. The fight to pass the Brady Bill, led by Jim and his wife Sarah, took six votes over seven years and three presidencies. Jim and Sarah's work paid off. To date, background checks have stopped over 3.5 million gun sales by prohibited purchasers — helping save countless lives.

That is truly something to be thankful for! 

But even as we cherish the lives saved, we know that too many Thanksgiving tables will have empty chairs, as families mourn gun violence victims. It doesn’t have to be this way. Legislation to expand background checks to cover all gun sales is sitting on Sen. Mitch McConnell’s desk. Urge Mitch McConnell to act today!

Americans Deserves Better Than Wednesday’s Democratic Debate

Gun violence is a national emergency. The failure of Wednesday’s debate moderators to raise the issue is unacceptable. Polls show gun safety is a top issue for voters, and we need to hear candidates’ gun violence prevention plans.

Debate Moderators: Ask Questions About Gun Violence!

The next debate takes place Thursday, December 19, and hosts POLITICO and CNN are already asking voters to share what questions they think should be asked. This is our chance to weigh in and demand that gun violence is fully discussed at the next debate! 

A Message from Dolores Huerta 

We were honored to speak with labor and civil rights leader Dolores Huerta at last week's California Democratic Party State Convention. On the heels of devastating mass shootings in the Sunshine State, Huerta shared with us a powerful statement about gun violence in America.

(l-r) Brady San Mateo County President Nancy Yarborough; Brady Program Manager Shikha Hamilton; Dolores Huerta; Co-leaders of Brady Stockton/Cleveland School Remembers Chapter Niki Smith and Julia Schardt

"The recent headlines have been heartbreaking. From the mass shooting at Saugus High School, to a young child fighting for his life after his entire family was murdered in an act of domestic violence in San Diego, to the shooting at a family party in Fresno on Sunday night, the scourge of gun violence is all too apparent across California this week.
While we need lasting solutions, militarizing law enforcement in our neighborhoods and schools and criminalizing entire communities is not the answer. California has some of the most comprehensive gun violence prevention laws in the country. But, we must do more to address issues like the easy access to guns and the hate that permeates our nation. Calls to put more guns into our communities and into our schools, which is likely to end in greater tragedy, are not the answer.
We need action from our state and our federal leaders to help us create change in our neighborhoods and homes. Programs like those at Brady are essential to creating this community-based change. This violence in our communities cannot become the norm. We cannot accept any more precious lives lost to gun violence. We must work until every home, school, and neighborhood is safe.” 

Join Us in Honoring Sandy Hook and Gun Violence Victims Everywhere 

It was seven years ago on December 14, 2014, that a gunman murdered 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. In partnership with the Newtown Foundation, we’re encouraging community members to hold local vigils or remembrance events throughout the month of December, using the marker as part of a nationwide effort to call to #EndGunViolence. Last year, our friends and allies came together to host nearly 200 local vigils and events in 32 states, Washington, D.C., and Mexico. Sign up to host your own vigil or find an event near you.

Brady Sarasota is among many Brady chapters hosting a vigil in December. Find a Brady event near you.

This Could Be the Most Dangerous Supreme Court Decision in History

On Monday, December 2, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear New York v. New York State Rifle. This is an NRA lawsuit, and its ruling could be used to weaken gun laws across the country. We’re rallying at the Supreme Court with a coalition of gun violence prevention groups, including Giffords, Everytown, and March For Our Lives. Together, we’re demanding the case be dismissed. We need your help to fight against the NRA's extreme approach that threatens our lives and safety. Sign up to join us in rallying at the Supreme Court on Monday, December 2!

House Leaders Demand Action from Mitch McConnell 

It's been more than 265 days that a bipartisan bill to expand background checks has been sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. Enough is enough. This week, a group of House leaders marched to McConnell's office to deliver a letter urging him to bring this lifesaving bill to a vote. 

We must do everything we can to demand action. Thank you to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Lucy McBath, Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Ted Deutch, and Rep. Katherine Clark. We won't let up! Learn more and take action.

🎧 Lockdowns Drills are Traumatizing America’s Kids
Tune in to hear Nancy Kislin, a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, and professor discuss how active shooter drills are harming the mental health of our children.

🎧 Who Needs a Gun in 15 Minutes or Less?
Ross was only 12-years-old when his father was murdered by a long-time employee who purchased a handgun in 15 minutes or less. Ross turned his anger into action, launching a life in activism that continues 35 years later.

🎧 Weekly Wrap-Up 
Democratic debates, Transgender Day of Remembrance, and more! Catch up on all things gun violence prevention with our weekly wrap up! 

This week, Brady Sarasota ushered in a major win for gun safety in thwarting a local resolution to make Sarasota County a so-called “Second Amendment Sanctuary.” Part of a troubling trend spreading across the country, the resolution sought to allow Sarasota County to not enforce gun laws passed at the state level. The resolution was voted down by county commissioners (3-2) thanks to overwhelming support from Brady Sarasota and the entire gun violence prevention community in Florida. Send a tweet to thank Brady Sarasota for helping usher in this victory!

Brady Sarasota President Carole Rescigno testifies before the Sarasota County Commission

Action on Gun Violence Depends on Trump: Be Very Afraid, Washington Post

Supreme Court’s Non-Action Opens Door for More Gun Litigation, Bloomberg Law

Vegas Council Bans Swords, Knives, Toy Guns in Downtown Zone, Associated Press

Despite Recent Gun Violence, GOP Remains Quiet on Reform, Nexstar

Brady Quote of the Week 🎤

“Real individuals are losing their lives as a result of this, every single day. And whether you are Republican or Democrat, you live in a red state or a blue state, Kentucky or California, you bleed the same."

— Brady President Kris Brown in the Washington Post

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. Donations to the Brady Campaign are not tax-deductible. We rely heavily on grassroots donors like you to fund our work to create a safer America. 


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