You powered this incredible achievement. Your work volunteering, showing up at events, and taking action to demand climate progress made this happen.
The Clean Energy Plan meets the scale and scope needed to properly address the climate crisis. The plan will aid our local clean energy resolutions and support the transition to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. Wisconsin’s long-standing dependence on fossil fuels must come to an end – and this plan provides a roadmap.
We’re thankful to Gov. Evers for gathering input from Tribal Nations, frontline communities, and other groups to develop equitable solutions that address the needs of everyone in the state. By investing in communities most impacted by climate change, the plan will ensure a just and equitable transition to clean energy while creating thousands of good-paying jobs and building our state’s economy.
The Clean Energy Plan is a process that requires collective action – we can’t stop now. We can only transition our state to clean energy if we work together to get there.
Thank you for continuing to push clean energy forward and taking action to make progress on clean energy in Wisconsin.