Dear John,

This week's goal is secure 250 $100 or more contributors — last week's goal was to reach 200. We'll need 30 more to get there by Sunday!


Can you help us? Last weekend, $600 was raised in the phonathon.


The good news is that as of midnight last night, we've brought in $63,000 - thanks to your generous contributions we're rounding toward the last mile. Comrades, brothers and sisters, we're ready to roll! Are you?


People’s World is in a tough spot. As the only working-class daily in the U.S., our writers have to cover the class and democratic struggle live and in color. And we have to do so from a variety of perspectives and angles, always keeping working-class interests in mind. We have to serve up Marxist analysis daily — no easy task, we assure you! Some may not care for this or that article and threaten to not support the drive. But this is a mistake. It reminds us of workers striking under socialism: you can do it, but you pay a big price because you're striking against yourself, your class.


It's okay to express this or that view so long as the PW is firmly rooted in the working class. That's what criticism and a vigorous exchange of views is for. Gus Hall used to compare our press to a kite floating in the wind. He'd say that's necessary: so long as you're anchored firmly among workers. This policy allows us to see further, chart the way ahead and correct course when necessary. And granted, sometimes it's necessary.


Today's turbulent times demands a voice like the PW's. Please give today so that it can continue to play its fighting role.


Every single contribution, whether $100 or less, helps us reach the $75,000 required. Please give what you can.


We hope that everyone will seriously consider whether they can make a donation to the People’s World of whatever amount, as a vital weapon in today's struggles.


In struggle,


Rossana and Joe

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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