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Dear Supporter,
Louis is away today, so I'm in the hot seat bringing you this
week's Taxpayer Update.
Taxpayers' Union Curia Poll: Nats pull ahead of Labour 📊
First thing's first: we've
just released this month's Taxpayers' Union Curia Poll, which
you can read about on our website here.
This is the first time this poll has shown Labour behind
National, and also the first time Labour/Greens would not have the
numbers to govern. Since our first poll in September last
year, Labour has gone from 25% ahead of National to 1%
National is up 3% to take the lead.
ACT and Greens both dip below 10%, while the Māori Party bounces up to
3.6%. The other small parties did not poll well, with NZ
First at 1.7%, New Conservatives 0.3%, and TOP 1.2%.
Under these numbers, the Māori Party would hold the balance of

numbers on preferred Prime Minster, and favorability ratings, are
available on our website.
💧 Three Waters: First a bribe, now a gag clause! Sneaky and
desperate measure to stop councils from criticising Government 🤫

From the "I can't believe they'd sink so low" file, Nanaia Mahuta
and her Three Waters officials at the Department of Internal Affairs
have been caught out badly.
year, at the Local Government New Zealand conference, the Prime
Minister announced a $2.5 billion fund to bribe incentivise councils to jump on board the
Government's Three Waters agenda. Last week, applications opened for
the first $500 million.
At the time, we called it out as a slush fund. The councils
are being offered the money to spend even on projects that have
nothing to do with water infrastructure.
But now we learn there's a catch. Buried in the funding
agreement is a sneaky clause preventing the councils who take the
money to improve their infrastructure from criticising the
A part of the deal has been slammed
as a gag order. It states that councils who get the cash "must not at
any time do anything which could have an adverse effect on the
reputation, good standing or goodwill of the Department of Internal
Affairs or the Government".
Along with your humble Taxpayers' Union, the vast
majority of mayors and councillors are campaigning against Three
Waters. To put elected officials in a position where they
must choose whether or not to take money to improve services for their
local community, or to fight for affordable, transparent, and
accountable/democratic management of the water assets built by
generations of ratepayers, is disgraceful.
As an unnamed opposition MP put it, "this is only one step away
from forcing councillors to praise our glorious leader at each
meeting". Indeed.
The Newshub piece goes on:
In a statement, the Department of
Internal Affairs told Newshub "no clause in the Funding Agreement...
prevents or prohibits any council from publicly expressing its own
It adds: "It is a common and
prudent clause in public funding documents as a safeguard to protect
against the misuse of public funds."
Mahuta is promising this is no gag
This is the real concern though. It's all very well for politicians
to stretch the truth, but as
public servants, DIA officials must conduct their duties in a fair,
impartial, responsible, and trustworthy way.
Here are the words of the clause again plain and simple:
[Councils] must not at any time
do anything which could have an adverse effect on the reputation, good
standing or goodwill of the Department of Internal Affairs or the
The claim that this isn't
a gag clause is a simple lie. We also find the statement from
the DIA's spokesperson that such a clause is "common" and somehow
protects against misuse of funds very difficult to believe.
Your humble Taxpayers' Union has filed an information
request to unmask the names of the officials who approved the
statement and what other government contracts contain this
(apparently) "common" provision.
Instead of bribing councillors and mayors not to speak out
against Three Waters, we say the Government should listen to them and
their communities and Stop Three Waters. To
support the Stop Three Waters effort click here.

Update on Three Waters legal challenge: Mahuta cover-up or stuff
up? 👨⚖️
You may recall a few months ago we announced our support of a High
Court challenge to the advice Nanaia Mahuta provided her Cabinet
colleagues to justify the Three Waters model. Specifically, she
claimed that the Government's own lawyers had advised her that the
co-governenace model was "necessary for the Crown to comply with its
obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi".
Advice from multiple QCs is that Mahuta's advice cannot be a fair
reflection of the law. Water infrastructure assets were not in
existence in 1840, and while some iwi may have interests in specific
and particular water bodies, that could not reasonably be extended to
municipal pumps and pipes paid for by ratepayers across the
The Government's approach to the case is fascinating and it is
surprising the media aren't turning their attention to what is going
Ms Mahuta's lawyers are now trying to suppress Minister Mahuta's
Cabinet papers containing the above claims, even though her office
authorised the public release of the papers last year!
They are trying to prevent our lawyers, the public, or the High
Court, being able to refer to what Ms Mahuta was telling her Cabinet
colleagues when they decided to adopt the Three Waters proposals. Just
what is Ms Mahuta hiding...

I recently hosted a Zoom call with the lawyers leading this effort
and many of our thousands of supporters who have chipped-in
financially to make this legal challenge possible. You
can read the summary/watch the discussion here.

David Farrar has been working through the recent report
by the Auditor-General on the $290 million "Strategic Tourism
Assets Protection Programme" which saw the likes of AJ
Hackett Bungy NZ receiving $10.5 million over-and-above the
COVID wage subsidy support (we are careful to note that Mr Hackett is
no longer involved in the company). Some extracts:
The Tourism Recovery Ministers decided to fund all tourism
businesses that scored more than 15 out of 30 points in the assessment
process. They also decided to fund all eligible Māori tourism
businesses, including those that scored less than 15 out of 30 points
in the assessment process.
So if your owners have the right ancestors, you got funding from
the Government even if you scored 0/30!
However, all decisions to spend public money come with
an obligation to ensure that the decision-making is consistent and
transparent. We saw limited evidence explaining the reasons for the
decisions. Without those records, those who have made the decisions
are not able to adequately explain why funding was provided. In my
view, this is not acceptable practice, regardless of the
circumstances. To ensure that the public can be confident in
the integrity of the decisions made, the reasons for this should be
clearly explained and well documented.
In other words, the Auditor General is saying that we can have no
idea if Ministers just gave out money to their mates, as there was no
documentation of their reasons.
This, combined with the decisions made that diverged from
officials’ advice and the limited documentation to explain the
divergence, makes it hard to determine whether the funding was applied
fairly in accordance with the published criteria and the extent to
which it represents value for money.
So Ministers overrode recommendations of neutral officials, without
explaining why.
The Tourism Recovery Ministers agreed to fund Whale Watch
Kaikōura. We have not seen any evidence to identify what criteria the
Tourism Recovery Ministers used when making this decision. We also did
not see any advice from Ministry officials. On 10 June 2020, the
Minister announced that Whale Watch Kaikōura had been provided $1.5
million grant funding.
So Whale Watch Kaikōura got $1.5 million of taxpayer money
from Ministers on the basis of no criteria and no advice.
This really is banana republic stuff and demonstrates why fighting
for Lower Taxes, Less Waste, and More Transparency couldn't
be more relevant.

Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’