We hope you’ve been watching Tucker Carlson Tonight to stay up to speed on the latest in news, politics, and current events.
In case you missed it, there was a great segment the other night—check out the clip below!
Elon Musk is risking everything he has
From Tucker’s monologue:
“Elon Musk became famous as a businessman. He makes electric cars and rockets, and has become the single richest person on planet Earth by doing that. Elon Musk is not from the United States, he grew up in South Africa, and yet he has a keen and precise understanding of how our system was designed to work. As he put it on Twitter last month, ‘Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.’ And then Musk asked his 80 million followers a very simple question: ‘Do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?’ Overwhelmingly, they answered no, it doesn’t.”
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