Folks —

Reproductive rights are on the line more than ever before.

In the past few weeks alone, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Florida have joined countless other states in passing near-total bans on abortions that not only put lives at risk, but criminalize doctors who perform these essential, life-saving procedures.

These new laws are not just an assault on reproductive health and women's rights — they’re part of a coordinated effort to spark legal challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Sadly, that strategy is going according to plan for anti-choice Republicans. The Supreme Court is preparing to hand down a decision in a case that could significantly scale back Roe v. Wade — so we need to stand strong, work together, and fight to codify Roe into federal law and protect reproductive rights for good.

Folks, if you’re with me, please add your name to our petition to join me in demanding the Senate immediately pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) and protect Roe v. Wade.

Add your name

The WHPA would finally codify Roe v. Wade into federal law, guarantee equal access to abortion across the nation, and protect against future challenges from Republican-held state legislatures.

The time to act is now. Thank you for making your voice heard alongside mine.

— John