![]() Patriot, On Joe Biden’s order, the Federal Reserve is scrambling to implement a “digital currency” scheme where the government would have total surveillance and control over how you spend your money – and Congress has taken no action to stop them yet. But there is a bill – H.R. 6415 – that would make it illegal for the Fed to create a digital currency. We must demand our representatives in Congress co-sponsor the bill and go on record in support of this vital legislation. As a twelve-term member of Congress, I’ve written hundreds, maybe thousands of letters to my fellow lawmakers. These “Dear Colleague” letters play an important role in advancing legislation. Even though I’m retired, I have prepared a letter to your representative in Congress. . . but it will be all the more powerful and effective with your name on it along with mine. After all, you are their constituents . . . and the more of their constituents they see have co-signed this letter, the more likely they are to take action and cosponsor this vital bill. So please click here to read the letter and add your name to tell your Representative to STOP THE FEDERAL RESERVE’S DIGITAL CURRENCY SCHEME. ![]() The globalists are going all-out to control everything we do. We’ve seen in Canada how the government will use every means possible, including financial control, to attack peaceful protesters. We’ve seen China establish a “digital currency” to further repress and control its own population under the Communist Party. You and I cannot let that happen here. With a strong push out of the gate, we can build the momentum for this bill, and stop the Fed’s heinous power grab for the last of our financial privacy. And after you sign, be sure to forward this on to spread the word, and if you can, chip in $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to support Campaign for Liberty’s continued work to stop these statist power grabs. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul P.S. Click here to read and co-sign my letter to tell your U.S. Representative to STOP THE FEDERAL RESERVE’S DIGITAL CURRENCY SCHEME. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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