How Personality Traits Affect Relationships

We don't understand the optimal balance for long-term-thriving in a relationship. But we do understand one thing: If you're too different on the five fundamental personality traits, it's going to be a chronic source of conflict. 

For example, introverts don't enjoy large-scale social interaction in groups as it tires them out. Whereas if you isolate an extrovert, they just wither on the vine because a considerable part of what motivates them positively is tangled up with social interaction.

If a highly agreeable and disagreeable person starts a relationship, they're likely to run into problems. The agreeable person is going to find the disagreeable person harsh and unpleasant. And the disagreeable person is going to find the agreeable person wishy-washy and unable to stand up for themselves.  

You also don't want to live with someone exactly like you because you have the same strengths and weaknesses. But we understand that if you're too different in your traits, it will cause conflict.

This is why it's helpful to understand your personality. It helps you orient your life, and it gives you a better crack into finding someone that you can live with over the long run.

For Easter, my Discovering Personality course is 47% off for the next 24 hours. You will also receive free access to the Understand Myself "Big Five" personality assessment.
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I look forward to welcoming you on the course,

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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