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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

U.S. Tariffs Are Regressive Taxes that Hurt American Working Families

By Ed Gresser, PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets

Today, Ed Gresser, Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets at the Progressive Policy Institute, published a new paper on the adverse effects of the United States tariff system on working American families — in particular, single-parent families and Black and Hispanic families. 

The paper, titled “Trade Policy, Equity, and the Working Poor: United States MFN Tariffs are Regressive Taxes Which Help Few Workers and Harm Many” is published in concert with Mr. Gresser’s testimony before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on the issue of Distributional Effects of Trade and Trade Policy on U.S. Workers. At the request of U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, the ITC is conducting a year-long investigation of this topic, in the hopes of providing the U.S. government and Congress with deeper analyses of the effects of U.S. trade policies and agreements on lower-income and disadvantaged American communities.

Trade Policy, Equity, and the Working Poor:
United States MFN Tariffs Are Regressive Taxes
Which Help Few Workers and Harm Many

By Ed Gresser
PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets

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Tell Them We Are Rising: Parent Choice in America 

Join us on Thursday, April 28th at 1:00 PM ET for a one-hour Zoom webinar on the power of parents to access educational options for their children and the impact the federal government has on those options.

Tune in to learn about the current state of parent choice in America and its ability to close achievement gaps exacerbated during the COVID pandemic.

The webinar is part of a series co-sponsored by Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project and The 74.

Tune In!

On this episode of RAS Reports, Tressa Pankovits, Co-Director of the Reinventing America's Schools Project sits down with New Mexico State Senator Siah Correa Hemphill and Representative Joy Garratt to talk about a bill they successfully sponsored and passed into law this legislative session. New Mexico House Bill 43 creates a revolving facility fund that charter schools can access in order to provide high quality buildings for their students. In today's highly polarized environment, with many many lawmakers turning their backs on charters at the behest of the teachers unions, these two Democrats are standing for charter schools and their students and families.

Who's trying to shut down your taco trucks? Kyle Sweetland joins the podcast to discuss the regulation of food trucks and his recent report "Food Truck Truth." We talk about the history of food trucks, whether or not food trucks harm brick and mortar restaurants, and what many cities are doing to try to shut down and stop food trucks. What does the evidence say, and what should we do with food truck regulations? Should we banish mobile food businesses, or have taco trucks on every corner?

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