
Our values are being put to the test.

Putin versus Ukraine. The Big Lie. Republican attacks on democracy, education, and voting rights. Threats to health care. ‘Culture wars’ against women’s reproductive rights and LGBTQ kids. Unwavering allegiance to the Mar-a-Lago demagogue.

The past few years have shown us that we can’t take our freedoms for granted. Even democracy is under threat. We need to get up, stand up, and fight for what’s right. That’s why I’m running for the U.S. Senate against Chuck Grassley here in Iowa.

We just launched the first TV ad of our campaign against Grassley, and it’s about exactly these issues. I hope you’ll take a minute to watch it, and if you’re able to, please consider making a donation to help us keep it up on the air.

We’re the first and only campaign up on TV right now in Iowa. Once Grassley and McConnell see this ad, they’re going to immediately start trying to smear me with Super PAC attacks.

We have to be ready to keep getting our message out while we counter their lies.

I am grateful for your support and trust in me to wrest this Senate seat from the far-right. Thank you for helping me ‘make it so.’

“All engines ahead, full!”

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)