Dear John!

When I decided to devote my political comedy and entertainment experience to abortion access, I had a good idea about the many challenges I would face in founding and running a reproductive rights organization. But I didn’t realize how much of Abortion Access Front’s day-to-day business would be thwarted by under-the-radar bullshit. I just wrote an op-ed for Vox that details one of the latest obstacles that has made it much harder and more expensive to do our work—Twitter joining Facebook in putting restrictions on how we advertise our abortion advocacy. With the two major social media platforms restricting our outreach, we have been left with few affordable options to effectively reach new supporters, and have been limited in our ability to expose the tsunami of lies and misinformation perpetuated about abortion.

Of course I am all for banning political ads, but as I explain in detail in my op-ed, issue organizations like AAF have been swept up in Twitter’s new ad criteria. So where does that leave us?  Restricted and vulnerable! Unfortunately, we must still rely on Facebook and Twitter until some equally robust platform comes along. Right now there are just too many critical reproductive rights issues, like the upcoming Supreme Court case, that we need to broadcast.

Now more than ever we need you to help us reach more people and beat the algorithms by liking and sharing our social media posts. But we’ll also have to spend more money on alternate (and often less effective) forms of advertising to promote our shows, actions and media.

That’s why your donations are crucial… so that we can have the resources to outwit and sidestep the crap that continually falls in our path as we fight for abortion access and abortion providers. Will you please make a gift to ensure that Jack Dorsey and the Zuck do not prevent us from reaching the people and places that need us the most?

Make a gift by December 2 and we promise we won’t bother you with any further fundraising emails this year. What we WILL send is up-to-the-minute repro rights news, rapid response humor and opportunities to support independent clinics and hit the streets with direct action. (The best present we have for you is the work that we do EVERY. DAMNED. DAY.)

ALSO, if you have SiriusXM catch me on Monday morning at 8:25 am EST on Signal Boost where I will chat with Zerlina Maxwell and Jess McIntosh about this issue!



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