Chris Coons

ICYMI: Trump abandons proposing ideas to curb gun violence after saying he would following mass shootings
The Washington Post, Oct. 31, 2019

Do you support common-sense gun safety reform?

Dear John,

Parkland. El Paso. Dayton. Las Vegas. Orlando. And now Santa Clarita.

In the aftermath of the mass shootings earlier this year, President Trump met with victims and insisted he was serious about supporting common-sense gun reform proposals.

But then...he does nothing.

No plans presented, no compromises delivered, nothing.

In Delaware, there have been 32 deaths from firearms in the past year alone. Leaders in our state have taken action and put our communities first by passing a gun safety storage bill once and for all.

Now, it's up to us to keep the pressure on the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress to pass common-sense gun safety reform at the national level. Let's take advantage of this opportunity and finally do something to make American families and our communities safer.

Senator Coons is leading that fight, but he wants to know: Do you support common-sense gun safety reform? Take the poll →

Thank you,

Team Coons

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