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Deadly Pakistan strikes in Afghanistan reflect growing cross-border tensions

By Adam Weinstein on Apr 18, 2022 03:42 am

The attacks, which killed more than 45 people this weekend, were in retaliation for a spring offensive by the TPP, a Taliban ally.
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How the war in Ukraine has altered the Arctic’s regional dynamics

By Gabriella Gricius on Apr 18, 2022 03:00 am

Western countries are stuck between the need to condemn Russia while at the same time needing Moscow’s cooperation.
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US troops injured after base was sabotaged with planted explosives

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Apr 16, 2022 08:29 am

Earlier reports on the April 7 attack said the Syria base was hit by rockets. This sounds much more portentous.
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Biden needs to show restraint — in his public comments

By Daniel Larison on Apr 15, 2022 03:08 am

His 'personal opinions' about regime change and genocide at best confuse people, at worst, unwittingly provide cover for hardliners.
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Banning lawmakers from owning stocks would stymie war profiteering

By Nick Cleveland-Stout on Apr 14, 2022 11:06 am

Members of Congress making military policy are invested in the very weapons companies benefiting from it. That's wrong.
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Rise in China’s nuclear capability may not be what you think it is

By Brandon Carr on Apr 14, 2022 03:00 am

There are renewed concerns that Beijing is moving to an "offensive" posture after reports of 100 new missile silos in Gansu province.
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