The Heritage Foundation
Here is the Heritage Take on the top issues today.
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High gas prices: The pain is the point - By early April, the average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. had reached $4.23, up more than 78% in the 14 months since President Joe Biden took office. It’s a political albatross around his neck, but it’s one that his policy team has deliberately placed there. If the president wants to blame someone for higher prices, he need only look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Throughout his presidential campaign, Biden promised to wage war on the U.S. energy industry. “I want you to look at my eyes,” he said. “I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel.” That’s pretty unequivocal. And his policies reflect that. Heritage Expert: Joel Griffith 

Every day is tax day - Americans, however, don’t just pay taxes one day out of the year. Taxes are a part of our everyday lives, whether we’re conscious of it or not. Many politicians prefer that we don’t notice how much we’re taxed. And, so, taxes are often buried in the cost of products or subtly taken from our paychecks. Heritage Expert: Preston Brashers 


Clinging to emergency powers won’t stop the spread of COVID - Philadelphia’s decision to reinstate indoor mask mandates represents a failure to adapt policy to the changing nature of the public health challenge. Much has changed since federal, state, and local governments first invoked emergency powers to combat the spread of COVID-19. Heritage Expert: Doug Badger 

What’s Old Is New: The Right Against God and Man - In the introduction to A World After Liberalism, Matthew Rose observes that the most provocative thinkers on the right now contest liberalism, individualism, and autonomy. He argues: “We are living in a postliberal moment. After three decades of dominance, liberalism is losing its hold on Western minds. Its most serious challenge does not come from regimes in China, Russia, or Central Europe, whose leaders declare that the liberal epoch is ‘at an end.’ It comes from within Western democracies themselves.” Of course, the greatest challenge to liberalism in America does not currently emanate from the right, but from the identity politics of the left. Heritage Expert: Richard Reinsch

Black Lives Matter leaders aren't capitalist converts, they still want to dismantle the US - Many have reacted to the news that the founders of Black Lives Matter lavishly spend donated money on luxury mansions by asking: How can Marxists behave this way? One activist was even quoted as saying that this must mean they are capitalists. This reaction, though, is based on a complete misunderstanding of Marxism and capitalism.The BLM organizations raise money in the name of social justice, but to them that does not mean helping individual Black Americans improve their lives. What it means is fundamentally altering the American system, and imposing Marxism, an alien ideology with a 100 percent rate of failure, on our country. The very concept that Black lives do indeed matter, has always been the group’s greatest strength. At the same time, it has also become its Achilles heel. Heritage Expert: Mike Gonzalez 


Consequences of Biden’s Iran Deal Will Be Dangerously Worse for the World - Negotiations over a new nuclear deal with Iran have stalled. For now. But the talks are expected to resume. Policymakers would be wise to use this lull to take a sober look at the draft deal. They should pay particularly close attention to the dangerous regional consequences that would arise from another flawed deal with Iran. As matters stand now, the new deal would be even worse than the original. Instead of the “stronger and longer” agreement we’d been promised, the deal now on the table is weaker and will shorten the time for Iran to become a nuclear power. Rather than prevent Iran from getting the bomb, it would pave the way for Tehran to become nuclear and empower its “sanction-free” global terroristic arm—the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Heritage Expert: James Carafano


Government’s Bar Tab Starts Long Before Tax Day - Among the earliest uses of the written language was the assessment and collection of taxes. Although we’ve moved on from the king taking grain directly from your field to the IRS, Tax Day remains as a reminder of this ancient—and favorite—pastime of government. However, focusing on when or how taxes are collected misses the point. The government doesn’t wait for you to pay your taxes to begin pledging your money. Whenever the government makes a promise, signs a contract, or writes a check, it does so by using you as collateral, putting up your future tax dollars. Heritage Expert: Richard Stern


Heritage Foundation takes voter fraud battle straight to states: 'On the target' - We, along with many other people, have been fighting this fight. And we're pretty well on the target. The target being real issues, real state laws that have to change, real federal legislation that has to be defeated. We're not just saying this because it is the issue of the moment. We're saying this because it's a problem. And we're saying this because we're really frustrated. It is 2022 and one whole side of the American political system, the left, continues to propagate this crap.Heritage Expert: Hans von Spakovsky and Zack Smith 

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