Turkish workers fight for pay rises as inflation bites

As Turkey’s inflation tops 60%, workers from e-commerce couriers to supermarket staff have staged a series of protests this year – winning concessions that labour experts think could revive interest in trade unions

In Pakistan, Afghan refugees face hardship and a frosty reception

From former soldiers to journalists, thousands of Afghans have fled to Pakistan since the Taliban seized power, but many are struggling in a country that has grown tired of hosting refugees from Afghanistan

As Kenyans farm in forests, incomes rise and deforestation falls

Forest authorities say Kenya's scheme to let farmers grow crops in forests has slashed illegal logging, as the country aims for 10% of its land in trees by the end of the year

South Africa's floods a 'teachable moment' for climate adaptation

A deluge of rain that has claimed hundreds of lives in South Africa shows why more preparedness for climate extremes is necessary, experts say

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