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Tuesday, April 19th, 2022

Blame Powell, Not Putin or ‘Greedy’ Corporations, for Price Hikes

Ron Paul, MD

Yes, I am a Conspiracy Realist: All Government Is Conspiracy

Gary D. Barnett

Vaccine Skeptics Are the True Critical Thinkers

Igor Chudov

CIA Lies, Deep State Lies

John McClain

Russian TV Anchor Says We’re Now IN World War 3

Aden Tate

‘Open Borders’ Biden Is Remaking America

Patrick J. Buchanan

A Couple of Thoughts on Big Numbers

Charles Hugh Smith

Massive Immigration: Humane or an Invasion at the End of the Empire?

Jon Rappoport

Willing Victims

The Z-Man

California Gives up on Trying To Force Kids To Get Covid Shots

Alex Berenson

Techno-Facism, Techno-feudalism, or Indentured Servitude?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Carbon Dioxide and Climate – Friend or Foe?

Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

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