Here's how you can make a difference in this major moment for our democracy.

This could be the moment where We the People decide if American democracy lives or dies. That’s been our fight for 50 years, and today we need you now more than ever, Friend.

Yesterday, Common Cause officially called for President Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. We didn’t make that decision lightly -- but his actions left us no other choice.

He has exploited his office for his own gain. He has abused his power. He has obstructed legitimate oversight into his behavior. Time and time again, Trump puts himself above the law, undermining the checks and balances that keep our democracy alive.

We can’t sit idly by anymore. Congress MUST act, and the only way to make that happen is with the persistent -- and powerful -- force of organized citizen action.

You see, our Constitution’s impeachment process is made to deal with an out-of-control executive branch like this. But our representatives won’t wield this crucial power until they have the full, outspoken support of constituents like you and me.

That’s why Common Cause is gearing up to mobilize millions of Americans -- in their home districts, over the phones, and at the U.S. Capitol -- to demand that Congress finally does its constitutional duty and removes this corrupt president.

If you’re worried that the Senate will shut impeachment down, you’re not alone. But take a moment to consider how much conventional wisdom we’ve already upended.

After all, it was just a few short months ago that every pundit was saying the House wouldn’t even consider impeachment in the year before a presidential election.

But Common Cause members like you said that wasn’t good enough -- and you spent MONTHS pressuring lawmakers until we won a House majority in support of an impeachment inquiry.

One example: in August, Mark N. in New Mexico met with his representative, Rep. Deb Haaland, to talk about how important it was for Congress to do its constitutional responsibility.

And the very next day, Rep. Haaland publicly joined the call for an impeachment inquiry!

We’ve proven that our actions can move the needle in ways nobody thought possible. Now, with your help, it’s time to take this effort to the next level.

Friend, I need your help to prove everyone wrong again -- and show every U.S. Senator who will sit in judgment of the president that history will judge their actions.





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I can’t guarantee success -- and the odds are stacked against us. But what I can guarantee is that this is a fight worth having.

We were on the frontlines during Watergate -- so we know how monumental an effort this will be. But we also saw how Americans responded to that crisis with a new outpouring of action and support for reforms that shift power back to the people. Mobilizing like this once again will surely stretch our resources to the limit.

But our democracy is worth fighting for, and I simply can’t imagine doing anything less.

We’ll be counting on your help to keep the pressure on -- and to ask every member of Congress: will you remain silent in the face of a president who disdains our democratic norms, institutions, and laws? Or will you defend the values that unite us as Americans?

Your action in the coming days will make all the difference. Together, we will mobilize our people power to make sure nobody -- not even the president -- is above the law.

In common cause,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

Common Cause
805 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
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