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Billions in California taxpayer dollars needlessly wasted documented in Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation report
The consequences of California’s failure to provide meaningful accountability manifest in declines in venture capital investment, tourism, and Congressional representation
This Tax Day the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation has once again issued its annual edition of the Follow the Money report detailing examples of government waste, fraud, and abuse in the past year that total in the billions.
As taxpayers file their tax returns today, the examples in this new report should be grounds for them to ask hard questions to the political class which continues to fail to prevent such abuses from occurring.
Among the examples cited in the report are a $1.7 billion contract awarded to a COVID testing lab whose employees had been reported sleeping on the job and billions of new delays and cost overruns in the state’s high speed rail program.
“When California taxpayers must struggle to make ends meet more than ever with inflation and gas prices at record highs, there is truly no excuse for politicians to spend their hard earned money so recklessly,” said Jon Coupal, Chairman of HJTF. “Taxpayers now need accountability more than ever.”
The Follow the Money report can be found at this link: