Dear John,
Today is a critical moment in the fight for innocent life in the womb.
For years, champions for life like you have worked and prayed for the protection of preborn children and their families from abortion – and the tide is now rapidly turning. The Supreme Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade!
Since this tragic decision in 1973, over 62 million children have lost their lives to abortion. All of these children were image-bearers of God. And many had mothers who felt like abortion was their only option because of the difficult life circumstances they faced every day. Instead of experiencing the joy and blessing of motherhood, most of them were left with empty arms and regret.
If Roe is reversed, the federal mandate on abortion will be removed, and the decision on whether to allow the atrocity to continue will fall to each individual state. The procedure will likely remain legal in 24 states where preborn children will remain in grave danger. However, 26 states will likely enact restrictions, which will be truly lifesaving.
Even though laws may change post-Roe, the circumstances of women facing unexpected pregnancies will not change.
Moms will still need the lifesaving help and hope from supporters like you – and honestly, more than ever before.
That’s why your support of the National Rescue System today is so important. Through this system of care, thousands of women have been reached, given the resources that empower them to choose life, and offered long-term help that restores them to stability.
To prepare for life post-Roe, efforts are underway to quickly scale the existing services of the National Rescue System and expand it into more abortion-dense markets. This expansion includes several new states. One of these states, Louisiana, is close to my heart, as I had the honor of playing in the NFL for the New Orleans Saints.
Like many other life-affirming states across the nation, Louisiana has a “trigger bill” in place that will cause lifesaving abortion restrictions to go into effect almost immediately when Roe is reversed.

In trigger bill states with limited-to-no-access to abortion, there must be a life-affirming alternative in place — before it’s too late and these moms seek abortions in nearby states, where abortion is still allowed. And that’s why a new Telecare Women’s Clinic in Louisiana is necessary – to bring lifesaving care to more scared moms facing an unexpected pregnancy. The National Rescue System must be ready to meet the flood of increased need – and with your help, it will be.
In honor of Mother’s Day, a generous donor has provided a $175,000 Challenge Grant to serve more moms in a post-Roe America and inspire other pro-life champions like you to give today.
Your gift, when paired with the Challenge Grant will help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact this Mother’s Day. You can scale and expand the National Rescue System and empower more moms to choose life.
This limited-time grant is the perfect opportunity to give again and pave the way for a post-Roe America. Will you give an immediate gift of $, $, or your best gift today and help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact to reach more moms, rescue their children, and restore their families?
Your gift today means more moms won’t live with the same regret that millions of other women have sadly experienced in the years since Roe v Wade became law. Instead, they will enjoy the blessing of motherhood and the gift of their children – both now and in the years to come.
John, will you celebrate Mother’s Day by giving a special, lifesaving gift RIGHT NOW?
Thank you so much for stepping up to rescue more children at this critical moment in the pro-life movement. God bless you!
For Life,
Benjamin Watson
Vice President of Strategic Relationships
P.S. — Your support is vital to prepare for a possible post-Roe v. Wade America. Will you give TODAY to reach more moms and protect more innocent children from abortion?