NEWS via CNN: Twitter adopts 'poison pill' measure that could thwart Elon Musk's takeover bid
Should the SEC investigate Twitter for possible illegal practices?
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Your Community
Patriot – These are the facts:

FIRST: Goldman Sachs estimated Twitter’s shares were valued at $37.83 per share. Elon Musk made an offer of $54.20 per share.

THEN: Twitter's Board met secretly to hatch an insidious plan to tank Elon's plan. They introduced a "poison pill" on Friday afternoon while no one was paying attention to halt the purchase.

NOW: Twitter is accused of not acting in their shareholders’ best interest – A POSSIBLE SEC VIOLATION!

Twitter is so terrified of Free Speech they possibly violated laws to prevent Elon Musk from purchasing the company.

How deep does the corruption go? We need answers!

Taking this critical survey is the first step,Patriot. Please let us know what your community thinks about Twitter’s shady move. >>
Should the SEC investigate Twitter for possible illegal practices?
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